Challenge Good News Paper Pricing 2021

The Challenge papers are distributed free by churches and other Christian organizations.

Prices paid by these organizations covers printing and distribution costs. For the Prison and Military editions we only charge for distribution. We rely on donations to cover other costs.

There are 3 editions
Standard bi-monthly 75 cents each
Prison bi-monthly free
Military March & November free

Minimum order for individuals is 100 papers and for churches 200 papers.

There is a courier cost for all papers, including those provided for free. There is a flat courier rate of R62.00 for each parcel. Each parcel contains a maximum of 500 papers. For example an order of 700 papers will be 2 parcels, one of 500 papers and another of 200 papers thus costing 2 X R62.00 = R124.00.

These tariffs are inclusive of VAT and may change subject to changes in the costs charged to us.

The FREE Prison and Military (Army, Police, Navy and Airforce) editions must be used for their intended purposes.

Printable pricing and delivery schedule

Contact us to order or enquire further.